Monday, October 24, 2016

Art Preview: Semiramis

Say hello to the Semiramis. A real beauty, this Canopian 'Mech is the first of the most recent art batch to be finished. The Canopians have some nice sleek and curvy 'Mechs, but we decided to aim for more of a Penthesilea look with this one. I've always had a soft spot for it - there are too few 'Mechs that look like they could actually have a fusion reactor inside them, but the Penthesilea reaslly nails it, with the cockpit perched on the side and the limbs jutting off from the side torsos. And the little laser wheel in the CT - brilliant! But would you believe that when I sent the commission notes to Matt Plog he referred to it as "that 'thing'"? But in the end we're all pretty happy with it despite some differing opinions about the progenitor. Here's hoping you like it too.

- the Built for War team

Monday, October 10, 2016

Back in the Neurohelmet

Creator fatigue took a toll post-preview release, and combined with other demands there just wasn't much happening on the Built for War front for a bit. In hindsight I should have had a continuous stream of stuff in the pipeline such that we could keep releasing new tidbits each week without actually having to do much for a little while. Which is what I'm working on setting up now, because it's not fair to you, the interested people, to be left hanging for months. Blogger, I've just discovered, lets me schedule posts in advance. So I'm going to write a couple more posts after this one and schedule them and we'll see how that goes.

Four 'Mechs are in the process of getting art right now, and we're lining up some more non-'Mech units for the next batch of commissions. While art is happening we're writing, trying to knock out fluff pieces for those 'Mechs so they can start the editing and fact checking process.

Finally, thanks to the several people who kept prodding us (ok, mostly me) to keep at it and post updates.

- the Built for War Team